Polaris Donates Customized RZR XP 1000 to Raise Funds for the American Cancer Society
- Updated: August 22, 2014

Polaris Industries Inc. (NYSE: PII), the leading manufacturer of off-road vehicles, today announced the company has donated a customized pink RZR XP 1000 to the American Cancer Society as part of their Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign.
“Too many of us have been affected by cancer, whether through a personal battle or an afflicted neighbor, co-worker or family member,” said Scott Wine, Polaris’ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “The American Cancer Society works tirelessly toward the eradication of this dreaded disease, and we hope that, through this donation, we can help them raise the funds needed to continue this noble fight.”
Unveiled at the 2015 Polaris Summer Dealer Show in Minneapolis, Minn., the one-of-a-kind RZR XP 1000, valued at approximately $32,000, is customized with Polaris Engineered Accessories™ such as brush guards, Polaris Pro HD 4500 LB Winch, MTX Audio Kit, 35-inch LED Light Bar, performance seats, HEXLR 15″ Titanium rims with Kanati Mongrel tires, a custom pink graphics package and several other custom accessories. The vehicle will be raffled off at the American Cancer Society’s Legacy Ball, at the Minneapolis Depot, on October 25.
Interested parties can view the vehicle and purchase raffle tickets $20 each at several events throughout the state of Minnesota including:
- Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Kick-off, DoubleTree – Bloomington, Aug.13
- Minnesota State Fair, Aug. 21-Sept. 1
- Hay Days, North Branch, Sept. 6-7
- Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Duluth, Sept. 27
- Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Lake Nokomis, in Minneapolis, Oct. 11
- Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, St. Cloud, Oct. 18
- Legacy Ball, The Depot in Minneapolis, Oct. 25
“The American Cancer Society sincerely thanks Polaris Industries for their generous donation. The funds raised through the raffle of this Polaris RZR will help the American Cancer Society get one step closer to finishing the fight against cancer,” said the American Cancer Society’s Executive Vice President – Midwest Division, Dave Benson. “We are excited to continue this partnership with a company that shares our commitment to the community.”
Last year nearly 2,000 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer participants raised more than $250,000 in Minneapolis alone for the American Cancer Society to support breast cancer research, offer free patient/caregiver services, provide in-depth cancer information, and support legislative advocacy to make sure all women have access to the care they need.
This year, more than 3,800 women in Minnesota will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
An estimated 232,670 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2014, and approximately 40,000 will die from the disease.
Since 1993, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer has been the American Cancer Society’s rallying cry to build awareness and generate funds to fight breast cancer. In that time, 10 million walkers in nearly 300 communities across the nation have collected more than $594 million.