Introducing “Can Dayum”

candayum_shnwYes, John Bohning’s Can-Am is cooler than yours. We recently got a look at his beautiful 2013 Can-Am Maverick and landed some great behind-the-scenes photos of the project, which includes a custom airbrushed paint job by Hydroshock, a custom paint shop in southern Georgia that has churned out some really impressive projects.

John said he wanted to build something that wasn’t yellow and black like every other Can-Am. The name “Can Dayum” was chosen because the search string was a blank slate on Google. As for the theme of the machine, he said, “a couple years ago we were building a Honda 300 Fourtrax, as we were looking for a color, Toni Renee’ Starnes of Hydroshock suggested their “special effects” paint. Needless to say I’m very glad I took a chance on her suggestion. And thrilled that we chose it again for this Maverick.”



John brought the machine to HydroShock, where Toni Renee’ and her partner Tyler Starnes, who happens to also be her son, would make it look like no other.

Hydroshock has customized many things including golf carts, motorcycles, cars, quads, guns and they even air brush people. The Maverick was delivered with its S3 Powersports lift in tact, role cage, front bumper and light bars installed.

“We brainstormed that night and came up with a million different ideas, one of them really stuck. A couple of years ago at an event called Scrapin The Coast in Mississippi, we saw a big green Dodge named “Head Hunter”. After doing some homework I found out that a guy named Robbie Bryant owned it, he was also the owner of Keg Media in Texas. I fell in love with that truck and the way the graphics were laid out on it,” recalls, John. He adds, “Renee and I talked it over for about an hour and I left in her hands, knowing it would be top notch.”


candayum_beer_speaker_rearOne of the details of the build that gets a lot of attention is the beer can speakers. John explains, “Renee and I were on the phone late one evening and she said she had an idea about something that has never been done before. She says, beer can speakers! I thought for a moment and said Hell Yeah! So I made a phone call to my buddy Larry, owner of Onsite Audio in Baton Rouge, and told him I needed four Wet Sound REV8’s and had them sent to Georgia.

Textile Machine Services took the speakers from there and soon after Can Dayum’s beer can speakers were born. Chris Powers and his brother Nick transformed the black plastic speakers to look just like beer cans. Click on the photos in this feature to get a closer look, they sure did a great job. John jokes, “the idea that a speaker looks like a beer can just baffles me.”


Check out the Can Dayum project build photo gallery below, and look for this Can-Am in person at the 2014 SEMA show in Las Vegas.

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